Herb and Lois Crisler

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My Comments -
Having enjoyed "The Olympic Elk" True-Life Adventure show on Disneyland back in the 1950's I was facinated to learn about Herb and Lois Crisler from my now retired friend, Joe Sudman. He loaned me Francis Caldwell's book "Beyond the Trails"and we hiked into Humes Ranch. That was in 1999. I have been reading and collecting all of the Crisler related information that I can find ever since.  I met Dawn Hagan through the internet. She has visited and photographed what is left of The Cracker Box in Alaska and has visited Crag Cabin in Colorado. The pictures of each are hers. Dawn had been writing to Ruby El Hult. Ruby was selling a couple of her books about Herb or Cris as she calls him. I visited Ruby several times and she was gracious enough to loan me many of the rare items that you see here. She let me copy her VHS tape of Herb and Lois' color movies. My Crisler stuff has been sitting in a box so I thought it should be on the internet where other Crisler fans could enjoy it. So here it is...

If you have photos or clippings or Crisler stories to tell please contact me and I will try to add them to the site.